How Mothers Play a Part in Raising Sons Who Become Weak Men and Misogynists

A mother's role in raising sons is tremendously important. Moms are the ones who nurture boys and teach them about following rules, how to behave, and about women.

A mother is the first female relationship a man will experience, and it will impact the future relationships he has with women.

At a later stage, fathers play a bigger role in turning boys into men. A father's role is also necessary when boys are young, but mothers are at the forefront during this stage.

The value of nurturing boys is not emphasized enough in society, and if you observe the relationship between a mother and son in cases where the sons are weak men or abuse women, you'll see a pattern.

How Mothers Play a Part in Raising Sons who Become Weak Men and Misogynists

  • When mothers favor their sons over their daughters and spoil them by not giving them responsibilities, causing their sons to act helpless and believe that women are only meant to serve them,

  • When mothers behave as if they are victims, expecting their sons to be their saviors and therapists. They use their sons to fill the voids left by failed marriage relationships or loneliness as single mothers.

  • When mothers selfishly insist on their sons marrying who they want and serving their own needs, rather than considering their sons' needs and whether they are compatible with their prospective wives or even ready to be husbands.

  • When mothers place their hearts on their sons and make excuses for their ill behavior, bad character, and unhealthy addictions because they believe their prince can do no wrong,

  • When mothers emotionally blackmail their sons into choosing between fulfilling their duties to them, over honoring the rights of their wives, causing conflict in their sons' marital relationships

  • When mothers raise their sons to believe that success is defined by money, status, and good looks while never teaching them about the life of the Prophet SAW and the importance of taqwa, adhab, haya, and akhlaq,

  • When mothers expect the Islamic schools and madrassas to "fix" their sons' bad behavior and lack of discipline, because they are too busy socializing or working at a career. They don't even take the time to check what their sons are searching online or watching on their devices

  • When mothers constantly criticize their husbands in front of their sons, and destroy the father-son bond, which is such a crucial aspect of raising good men.

This post is not intended to bash mothers. On the contrary, it is to raise awareness because these are common problems that are occurring across many cultures. It is negatively impacting families and causing marital conflict.

Mothers have a huge influence on how a boy grows into a man, how he treats women, and how he'll behave as a husband.

Fathers are important in the development of men, but mothers build boys. If a man does not receive proper training and nurturing from his mother, he is more likely to develop bad character traits and have issues.

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Salam, I’m Zakeeya!

I believe being a wife, a mother, and making our homes a sanctuary for our families brings us tremendous blessings, fulfillment, and improves society. Since 2011, I've been committed to helping Muslimas find tranquility in their roles, take better care of themselves, and attain contentment within. Our journey is not an easy one, but I pray the resources and mentoring I offer, will assist in navigating you through your everyday challenges with mindfulness and gratitude, inshallah. Join me as I share wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and lifestyle solutions that make life more fulfilling for you as a woman! READ MORE

If you are struggling in parenting your older kids and need discreet, tailored advice, you can book a one-on-one mentoring session with me to get private support

Do you need some help teaching your kids salah in a loving manner so it sticks? Order my book, available in paperback and Kindle!

Do you need advice and tips to assist you on your motherhood journey? Order my book, available as a paperback and ebook!

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