40 Parenting Tips From Mothers Around The World

Back in 2017, I asked readers to share their best parenting tips. Alhumdulillah, many parents from all over the world offered their best advice, which was so inspirational! I don't know about you, but I find it such a treat to hear how other Muslims deal with their parenting challenges. It's much-needed information for parents to feel supported and less lonely on their journey because parenthood can be isolating. 

No matter how many kids you have or how much you've learned, no parent has it all together. It helps to know that this challenging parenting path we walk is not one we tread alone - we're all on the same journey, just on different roads. So keep strong!

40 Quick Parenting Tips From Parents Around The World

1. "All we could do is put as much effort as we can to raise good Muslims, the outcome is from Allah. We have no control except to make lots of du'a for our kids." - Mehvish

2. "When correcting your kids, do it kindly, gently, with a logical explanation, and never in front of anyone. Your kids will love and respect you inshAllah - Falak Naz

3. "Talk to your kids about Allah, the Ahlul Bayt, and show them how to be a good person from a young age." - Aqdas Ahmed

4. "The best way to encourage and promote the practice of Islam in your children is to practice Islam yourself." - Teuta Fetahu

5. "Enjoy parenting! When speaking with your child, doing a craft with him/her; don't turn it into a learning opportunity every time. Instead, focus on having fun with them, wholly engaging in what they want to do with you, and just relax and savour the moment. It will be less stressful on your end, and your children will bond with you in a much better way." - Aliya

6. "Making duas often for our affairs to be easy and to do istikarah before taking a decision." - Umm Khadeejah

7. "Salaam to all beautiful Muslim mommies, indeed parenthood is challenging, but with dua and Allah's help all things are possible." - Nadira Abdul-Qudduus

8. "Teach strong basis of faith and then be a role model." - Summayya Zahra

9. "I am currently reading a book called "Girls on the Edge" by Leonard Sax. I highly recommend if you have a girl/s." - Noreen

10. "Being a mother of five mashaAllah, I have learnt through my parenting journey; it's all about patience and perseverance. This journey is a blessed one when you start seeing the fruits of your sleepless nights and hardworking days!" - Umm Abdullah

11. "We should teach our kids about israf, especially with water, which is taken for granted. we should try and be around when kids are at the basin or sink to remind them constantly not to leave the taps running while washing or even brushing their teeth." - Kasmani

12. "Keep a smile while talking, demanding, correcting, etc., to your children. It's sunnah and sadaqah. Try it while telling them to put their shoes on (for the third time). It yields much better results. Anyways, yelling at a flower never makes it blossom any faster ;D salams." - Aicha (this advice is for me too)

13. "Keep a fixed routine even on holidays to avoid disruptions." - Add Tah

14. "My best parenting tip is giving clear explanations to children of what your expectations of them are. For instance, don't just say I want you to clean your room, explain to the child that cleaning their room means making the bed, putting laundry away, hanging up jackets, etc." - Aminah

15. "Always listening and taking an interest in what they do." - Rabia

16. "Tip: Play up my strengths & honor my kids! Makes life EASY and fun :)." - Jaminah

17. "The best tip will be: Be Kind to your children. Always get down to their level and talk to them." - Massouda Arjmand

18. "To get kids to eat more vegetables, try food art. A little dressing dip with Greek yogurt or peanut butter can help get raw veggies down! And remember plenty of water." - Fareen

19. "Always encourage your children to do their best, and never put them down. Even if it was not their best, still give them a pat on the shoulder and say we're going to try harder next time, Insha Allah." - Azeezah

20. "Homeschooling is being close to a child while teaching." - Tsya


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21. "Be an example for your kids." - Momy

22. "Setting rules and boundaries for kids help keep kids grounded and helps them to know their limits. Also giving small incentives plays a big roll in helping kids to become independent in certain areas, for example cleaning up their toys." - Saarah

23. "Read your kids a book daily, they will read on their own in sha Allah." - Maheen Ali

24. "Share with your kids all your Islamic beliefs." - Rihan Bedier

25. "I have a quote I heard once to share - 'To do carefully and consistently and kindly many little things, is not a little thing.'"- Wendy AlAlami

26. "Give your kids some freedom... Relax... it's ok ...you don't need to be in control all the time and have everything in picture-perfect order. Let the kids feel like it's their home, too, even if they rearrange your living room. Try to limit the words "No" and Don't". Be gentle in your speech. Harshness never works. They don't listen to yelling. If you must say no, give a valid reason for them to understand. Refrain from saying, "Because I said so!" Otherwise, by restricting them too much, with no legitimate reason, in overly unnecessary ways, you may risk losing your child as they get older and find them becoming rebellious. I was living proof of this. May Allah helps us all to be patient and raise righteous little Muslims. Ameen." - Alexandra Star

27. "Being patient and treating kids as kids. I always try to remind myself that my children are an amanah from Allah (swt)." - Nagham

28. "I love to remind my kids about the events along with our Hijri calendar. And it is great that Muslimommy always shares materials on how to make the kids enjoy while learning. Thank u." - Munirah Mohd Basar

29. "Children follow our footsteps, be a good example." - Niz

30. “Enjoy the moment!!” - Umm Aaminah

31. "Bedtime stories with the kids." - Sajida

32. "Be the best role model for your children. Children don't listen to what you say but see what you do." - Sameera Peera

33. "Always speak to your child in a positive way. The impact is far greater than we realise." - Raeesa

34. “Always make Allah and Rasulullah SAW part of your daily conversation.” - Sri Ernawati Bte Ghazali

35. "I'm only a parent for a year, still learning a lot... my best tip thus far... let them explore as much as possible." - Fierdous Waggie

36." Listen to your children :)." - Hulya Gold

37. "My best parenting tip is instead of repeating yourself when talking to your children, have them rephrase what you said. It will help them understand, help them with speech, and will let you know what they understand." - Cabrera

38. "Being calm is the key👏" - Maryam

39. "Try to instill the best Islamic values in your kid's brain when they are young. Children copy parents when they are young. Be the best role model you can." - Khadija

40. "Using nature as a learning environment. You will be surprised what you are able to teach them (sometimes without a book guide), and even teach yourself." ;-) - Gadija

Alhumdulillah, I enjoyed it thoroughly for a change to hear tips from my fellow parents. Their advice was so appreciated! May Allah reward their efforts and grant us all ease on our parenting journey, ameen.

Salam, I’m Zakeeya!

I believe that making our homes a safe haven for our families, as well as being a wife and mother, brings us great blessings, contentment, and benefits to society as a whole. Since 2011, I've been dedicated to assisting Muslimas in finding tranquility in their roles, taking better care of themselves, and achieving inner peace. Our journey in this world is not an easy one, but I pray the tools and guidance I offer will help you face life's challenges with more gratitude and mindfulness. Join me as I share wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and lifestyle solutions that make life more fulfilling for you as a woman! Read more about me here.

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Find guidance with your most challenging parenting issues with these helpful reads.

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